Interesting Links

Many links, which I consider useful, fun or interesting, are not found in Google. Search engine nudges me toward unwelcome distraction. And when found, they may be easily forgotten in the favorite bar. And favorite bar is somehow linked to google-account, which is not easy to copy.

Please wait a moment, until the dropdown menu appears. If not appearing, Reload by Ctrl+ enter

boat_ _ youtube_ htm_php_javascript_
python_ _ copper_volt_ microscope_
tech_ _ radio_ psycho_
proverb_ _ orienteering_ medicine_
math_ _ map_ complete_nonsense_
Lithium-akku_ _ fun_fact_ local_hyvinkaa_
france_ _ finland_ fake_info_
economic_ _ bonds-search_ etf_
data_utility_ _ data_ cad_
bike_light_ _ practical_use_everyday_ artificial_intelligence_
hobby_ _ locomotives_ Dog_
Car_ _ Music_ Computer_
Finnfilm_ _ kotiseudut_ electric_
arduino_esp32_ _ diy_circuits_ php_