Favorite videos

Surrealistic films
Jan Švankmajer

Kimmel was a professor of parallel class physics, I don't know where he found this film. At that time, of course, there was no digital era yet, all the films were reels, the projectors were expensive. This film was produced in Czechoslovakia. The conditions in the Eastern bloc were difficult, one can only imagine how much work there was to do it. Probably a lot of improvisation.

Liisa Matveinen ja Tellu Turkka

Riihimäki has the "Green House" which is a concert place with a very cozy atmosphere. The host of the Green House attracts international artists. There I heard and saw the unforgettable concert of Liisa Matveinen and Tellu Turkka. The song was memorable, especially the song called "Hop"

Liisa ja Tellu


The Kide Choir has organized choral dances with the folk dancers' "Piirinki" group. Folk dance is quite a sweaty thing and you have to change your clothes from time to time. I myself take part in stage dance rehearsals from time to time, and also there are som folk dances like masurka and polka. Dancing is a sport which keeps physical condition in good shape.

Kilokallio Summer Cottage Guide


Unless you take the pier out of the water for the winter, there may be nasty surprises. The ice has a terrible force, especially when the wind blows ice against the shore. The pier is in a place exposed to the wind, attached to the rock. Inexperienced at first, I pulled the pier with a winch for the winter rock up. Flink had been carrying it the rock up with his friend, but I'm alone, and besides, I do not have so much strength, that's why I used a wich at the beginning until I noticed that the pontoons are damaged as they rub against the rock. pontoons with holes then, of course, gradually began to sink, a little by little. Well first I had to learn to patch the pontoons with a glue stick. The holes were hard to spot, I used a small compressor that blew air into the pontoon, and the air of course trying to get out of the holes, and then when you put soapy water, one can see where air bubbles. It was much better to handle the pontoons more cautiously, so wisened I always moved the pier to a sandy beach where it was easy to dismantle the pier.


A little reluctantly, I have become a cottage owner. I still don't quite understand what’s so funny about it when most of this is all sorts of repairs and maintenance and the cottage is empty 7 months a year. In winter, all the waters freeze, so do the pipes should be emptied if you do not want to keep the cottage at basic temperature with some electric batteries. I gradually learned how to do this pipe emptying without major equipment purchases, had some insights along the way. One of the most important was the use of a drill pump to remove water. Thanks to one American youtuber. Drill pump is much cheaper than an air compressor. The other is a special faucet key that also doesn’t cost much either nothing, as long as you know it exists. Also self-confidence is needed , because mistakes can have grave consequences if you do a mistake hardly any insurance would pay for it a penny.

Very easy understandable overview of accounting principles by Matt Fisher. Helped be to understand the economy of my house cooperative. Also I loved to read the books of Soile Tomperi, with some very good diagrams.

Timotei, Anna Maria Kähäri: kuka nukkuu tuutussani


Kide Choire has made a trip to Kecskemét, the birthplace of Zoltán Kodály, and we learned several hungarian songs just for this occasion Esti dal of Zoltan Kodaly and Édesanyámhoz of Bárdos Lajos and Lukin László. We did performances in both Kecskemét and Budapest in a chapel service and flashmobs at a Choire competition which was taking place at the same time. I took this short video from the last community singing, which I found really moving. In Hyvinkää there is an active Hungary society, I am an aquaintance to two members, they have been organizing a movie evening of Liza, rókatündér (Liza, the Fox-Fairy) and an evening with the Canarro quintet in Hyvinkää, very-very emotional.


In university, I attended a lecture series about mechanisms, and how to design them, by Professor Braune. These mechanisms you can find for instance in the closing of car trunks, in ploughs, harvesters, presses, etc. Mostly people are not really aware of those mechanisms and take everything form granted. Based on the lectures, I designed this mechanism, specially suited for a folding platform of a trolley with small approach dimension. Although I prepared detailed production drawings, my proposal was rejected.

Lempo kuoro Kide kuoron vieraana 2024, nauhoitus

Kide kuoron oma esitys 2024